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- <?xml version="1.0"?>
- <gconfschemafile>
- <schemalist>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/command0</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/command0</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default/>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Command line 0</short>
- <long>Command line to be executed in shell when run_command0 is invoked</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/command1</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/command1</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default/>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Command line 1</short>
- <long>Command line to be executed in shell when run_command1 is invoked</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Команден ред 1</short>
- <long>Команден ред, който ще бъде изпълнен в обвивката когато run_command1 е извикана</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Příkazová řádka 1</short>
- <long>Příkaz, který se vykoná, pokud je v shellu volán run_command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Kommandozeile 1</short>
- <long>Die Kommandozeile, die bei Ausf├╝hrung von run_command1 in der Shell ausgef├╝hrt wird</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Γραμμή εντολών 1</short>
- <long>Γραμμή εντολών για εκτέλεση σε κέλυφος όταν επικαλεσθεί το τρέξιμο_εντολής1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Línea de comandos 1</short>
- <long>Línea de comandos que se ejecuta en el shell cuando run_command1 es invocado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>1 komando lerroa</short>
- <long>Shellean exekutatu beharreko komando lerroa exekutatu_1komandoa abiaraztean</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Komentorivi 1</short>
- <long>Suoritettava komentorivi, kun run_command1 suoritetaan</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Ligne de commande 1</short>
- <long>Ligne de commande à exécuter dans le shell lorsque run_command1 est appelé</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Li├▒a de comando 1</short>
- <long>Li├▒a de comando a ser executada na consola cando executar_comando1 sexa accionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>שורת פקודה 1</short>
- <long>שורת הפקודה שתופעל בעת הרצת פקודה1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>1. parancssor</short>
- <long>A run_command1 által elindított parancs</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Riga di comando 1</short>
- <long>Riga di comando da eseguire nella shell quando viene invocato run_command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンドライン 1</short>
- <long>コマンド 1 を実行 の呼び出し時にシェルで実行されるコマンドライン</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 1</short>
- <long>명령 1을 선택했을 때 실행될 쉘 명령행</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kommandolinje 1</short>
- <long>Kommandolinje som skal kjøres i konsoll når kjør_kommando1 blir innhentet</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Commando regel 1</short>
- <long>Command regel die uitgevoerd moet worden als start_command1 aangeroepen wordt</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଆଦେଶ ରେଖା ୧</short>
- <long>ସେଲରେ କାର୍ୟ୍ଯକାରୀ ହେବାକୁ ଥିବା ଆଦେଶ ରେଖା ୟେବେ ଚଳାଅ_ଆଦେଶ୧ ଡକାୟାଇଥାଏ </long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Linia poleceń 1</short>
- <long>Polecenie do wykonania w powłoce po wywołaniu skrótu 1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Linha de comando 1</short>
- <long>Linha de comando a ser executada no shell quando run_command1 for acionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Linha de comando 1</short>
- <long>Linha de comando a ser executada quando run_command1 for acionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Linie de comand─â 1</short>
- <long>Linia de comandă de executat în consolă cînd este invocată „rulează_comandă1”</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Командная строка 1</short>
- <long>Командная строка, которая будет выполнена в оболочке при вызове run_command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Príkazový riadok 1</short>
- <long>Príkaz, ktorý sa vykoná, ak sa v shelli volá run_command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>Kommandorad 1</short>
- <long>Kommandorad som ska köras i ett skal när run_command1 anropas</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>1. komut sat─▒r─▒</short>
- <long>Komut1_çalıştır çağrıldığında kabukta çalıştırılacak komut</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Команда 1</short>
- <long>Команда, яку буде виконано в оболонці при виклику run_command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>命令行1</short>
- <long>调用run_command1时要在shell中执行的命令行</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>shell指令 1</short>
- <long>當shell指令1設定之後,將會在shell裏面執行這個指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/command2</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/command2</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default/>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Command line 2</short>
- <long>Command line to be executed in shell when run_command2 is invoked</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Команден ред 2</short>
- <long>Команден ред, който ще бъде изпълнен в обвивката когато run_command2 е извикана</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Příkazová řádka 2</short>
- <long>Příkaz, který se vykoná, pokud je v shellu volán run_command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Kommandozeile 2</short>
- <long>Die Kommandozeile, die bei Ausf├╝hrung von run_command2 in der Shell ausgef├╝hrt wird</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Γραμμή εντολών 2</short>
- <long>Γραμμή εντολών για εκτέλεση σε κέλυφος όταν επικαλεσθεί το τρέξιμο_εντολής2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Línea de comandos 2</short>
- <long>Línea de comandos que se ejecuta en el shell cuando run_command2 es invocado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>2 komando lerroa</short>
- <long>Shellean exekutatu beharreko komando lerroa exekutatu_2komandoa abiaraztean</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Komentorivi 2</short>
- <long>Suoritettava komentorivi, kun run_command2 suoritetaan</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Ligne de commande 2</short>
- <long>Ligne de commande à exécuter dans le shell lorsque run_command2 est appelé</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Li├▒a de comando 2</short>
- <long>Li├▒a de comando a ser executada na consola cando executar_comando2 sexa accionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>שורת פקודה 2</short>
- <long>שורת הפקודה שתופעל בעת הרצת פקודה2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>2. parancssor</short>
- <long>A run_command2 által elindított parancs</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Riga di comando 2</short>
- <long>Riga di comando da eseguire nella shell quando viene invocato run_command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンドライン 2</short>
- <long>コマンド 2 を実行 の呼び出し時にシェルで実行されるコマンドライン</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 2</short>
- <long>명령 2를 선택했을 때 실행될 쉘 명령행</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kommandolinje 2</short>
- <long>Kommandolinje som skal kjøres i konsoll når kjør_kommando2 blir innhentet</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Commando regel 2 </short>
- <long>Command regel die uitgevoerd moet worden als start_command2 aangeroepen wordt</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଆଦେଶ ରେଖା ୨</short>
- <long>ସେଲରେ କାର୍ୟ୍ଯକାରୀ ହେବାକୁ ଥିବା ଆଦେଶ ରେଖା ୟେବେ ଚଳାଅ_ଆଦେଶ୨ ଡକାୟାଇଥାଏ </long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Linia poleceń 2</short>
- <long>Polecenie do wykonania w powłoce po wywołaniu skrótu 2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Linha de comando 2</short>
- <long>Linha de comando a ser executada no shell quando run_command2 for acionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Linha de comando 2</short>
- <long>Linha de comando a ser executada quando run_command2 for acionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Linie de comand─â 2</short>
- <long>Linia de comandă de executat în consolă cînd este invocată „rulează_comandă2”</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Командная строка 2</short>
- <long>Командная строка, которая будет выполнена в оболочке при вызове run_command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Príkazový riadok 2</short>
- <long>Príkaz, ktorý sa vykoná, ak sa v shelli volá run_command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>Kommandorad 2</short>
- <long>Kommandorad som ska köras i ett skal när run_command2 anropas</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>2. komut sat─▒r─▒</short>
- <long>Komut2_çalıştır çağrıldığında kabukta çalıştırılacak komut</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Команда 2</short>
- <long>Команда, яку буде виконано в оболонці при виклику run_command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>命令行2</short>
- <long>调用run_command2时要在shell中执行的命令行</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>shell指令 2</short>
- <long>當shell指令2設定之後,將會在shell裏面執行這個指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/command3</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/command3</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default/>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Command line 3</short>
- <long>Command line to be executed in shell when run_command3 is invoked</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Команден ред 3</short>
- <long>Команден ред, който ще бъде изпълнен в обвивката когато run_command3 е извикана</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Příkazový řádek 3</short>
- <long>Příkaz, který se vykoná, pokud je v shellu volán run_command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Kommandozeile 3</short>
- <long>Die Kommandozeile, die bei Ausf├╝hrung von run_command3 in der Shell ausgef├╝hrt wird</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Γραμμή εντολών 3</short>
- <long>Γραμμή εντολών για εκτέλεση σε κέλυφος όταν επικαλεσθεί το τρέξιμο_εντολής3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Línea de comandos 3</short>
- <long>Línea de comandos que se ejecuta en el shell cuando run_command3 es invocado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>3 komando lerroa</short>
- <long>Shellean exekutatu beharreko komando lerroa exekutatu_3komandoa abiaraztean</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Komentorivi 3</short>
- <long>Suoritettava komentorivi, kun run_command3 suoritetaan</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Ligne de commande 3</short>
- <long>Ligne de commande à exécuter dans le shell lorsque run_command3 est appelé</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Li├▒a de comando 3</short>
- <long>Li├▒a de comando a ser executada na consola cando executar_comando3 sexa accionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>שורת פקודה 3</short>
- <long>שורת הפקודה שתופעל בעת הרצת פקודה3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>3. parancssor</short>
- <long>A run_command3 által elindított parancs</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Riga di comando 3</short>
- <long>Riga di comando da eseguire nella shell quando viene invocato run_command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンドライン 3</short>
- <long>コマンド 3 を実行 の呼び出し時にシェルで実行されるコマンドライン</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 3</short>
- <long>명령 3을 선택했을 때 실행될 쉘 명령행</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kommandolinje 3</short>
- <long>Kommandolinje som skal kjøres i konsoll når kjør_kommando3 blir innhentet</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Commando regel 3</short>
- <long>Command regel die uitgevoerd moet worden als start_command3 aangeroepen wordt</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଆଦେଶ ରେଖା ୩</short>
- <long>ସେଲରେ କାର୍ୟ୍ଯକାରୀ ହେବାକୁ ଥିବା ଆଦେଶ ରେଖା ୟେବେ ଚଳାଅ_ଆଦେଶ୩ ଡକାୟାଇଥାଏ </long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Linia poleceń 3</short>
- <long>Polecenie do wykonania w powłoce po wywołaniu skrótu 3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Linha de comando 3</short>
- <long>Linha de comando a ser executada no shell quando run_command3 for acionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Linha de comando 3</short>
- <long>Linha de comando a ser executada quando run_command3 for acionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Linie de comand─â 3</short>
- <long>Linia de comandă de executat în consolă cînd este invocată „rulează_comandă3”</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Командная строка 3</short>
- <long>Командная строка, которая будет выполнена в оболочке при вызове run_command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Príkazový riadok 3</short>
- <long>Príkaz, ktorý sa vykoná, ak sa v shelli volá run_command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>Kommandorad 3</short>
- <long>Kommandorad som ska köras i ett skal när run_command3 anropas</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>3. komut sat─▒r─▒</short>
- <long>Komut3_çalıştır çağrıldığında kabukta çalıştırılacak komut</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Команда 3</short>
- <long>Команда, яку буде виконано в оболонці при виклику run_command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>命令行3</short>
- <long>调用run_command3时要在shell中执行的命令行</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>shell指令 3</short>
- <long>當shell指令3設定之後,將會在shell裏面執行這個指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/command4</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/command4</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default/>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Command line 4</short>
- <long>Command line to be executed in shell when run_command4 is invoked</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Команден ред 4</short>
- <long>Команден ред, който ще бъде изпълнен в обвивката когато run_command4 е извикана</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Příkazová řádka 3</short>
- <long>Příkaz, který se vykoná, pokud je v shellu volán run_command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Kommandozeile 4</short>
- <long>Die Kommandozeile, die bei Ausf├╝hrung von run_command4 in der Shell ausgef├╝hrt wird</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Γραμμή εντολών 4</short>
- <long>Γραμμή εντολών για εκτέλεση σε κέλυφος όταν επικαλεσθεί το τρέξιμο_εντολής4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Línea de comandos 4</short>
- <long>Línea de comandos que se ejecuta en el shell cuando run_command4 es invocado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>4 komando lerroa</short>
- <long>Shellean exekutatu beharreko komando lerroa exekutatu_4komandoa abiaraztean</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Komentorivi 4</short>
- <long>Suoritettava komentorivi, kun run_command4 suoritetaan</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Ligne de commande 4</short>
- <long>Ligne de commande à exécuter dans le shell lorsque run_command4 est appelé</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Li├▒a de comando 4</short>
- <long>Li├▒a de comando a ser executada na consola cando executar_comando4 sexa accionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>שורת פקודה 4</short>
- <long>שורת הפקודה שתופעל בעת הרצת פקודה4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>4. parancssor</short>
- <long>A run_command4 által elindított parancs</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Riga di comando 4</short>
- <long>Riga di comando da eseguire nella shell quando viene invocato run_command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンドライン 4</short>
- <long>コマンド 4 を実行 の呼び出し時にシェルで実行されるコマンドライン</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 4</short>
- <long>명령 4를 선택했을 때 실행될 쉘 명령행</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kommandolinje 4</short>
- <long>Kommandolinje som skal kjøres i konsoll når kjør_kommando4 blir innhentet</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Commando regel 4</short>
- <long>Command regel die uitgevoerd moet worden als start_command4 aangeroepen wordt</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଆଦେଶ ରେଖା ୪</short>
- <long>ସେଲରେ କାର୍ୟ୍ଯକାରୀ ହେବାକୁ ଥିବା ଆଦେଶ ରେଖା ୟେବେ ଚଳାଅ_ଆଦେଶ୪ ଡକାୟାଇଥାଏ </long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Linia poleceń 4</short>
- <long>Polecenie do wykonania w powłoce po wywołaniu skrótu 4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Linha de comando 4</short>
- <long>Linha de comando a ser executada no shell quando run_command4 for acionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Linha de comando 4</short>
- <long>Linha de comando a ser executada quando run_command4 for acionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Linie de comand─â 4</short>
- <long>Linia de comandă de executat în consolă cînd este invocată „rulează_comandă4”</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Командная строка 4</short>
- <long>Командная строка, которая будет выполнена в оболочке при вызове run_command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Príkazový riadok 4</short>
- <long>Príkaz, ktorý sa vykoná, ak sa v shelli volá run_command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>Kommandorad 4</short>
- <long>Kommandorad som ska köras i ett skal när run_command4 anropas</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>4. komut sat─▒r─▒</short>
- <long>Komut4_çalıştır çağrıldığında kabukta çalıştırılacak komut</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Команда 4</short>
- <long>Команда, яку буде виконано в оболонці при виклику run_command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>命令行4</short>
- <long>调用run_command4时要在shell中执行的命令行</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>shell指令 4</short>
- <long>當shell指令4設定之後,將會在shell裏面執行這個指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/command5</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/command5</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default/>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Command line 5</short>
- <long>Command line to be executed in shell when run_command5 is invoked</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Команден ред 5</short>
- <long>Команден ред, който ще бъде изпълнен в обвивката когато run_command5 е извикана</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Příkazová řádka 5</short>
- <long>Příkaz, který se vykoná, pokud je v shellu volán run_command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Kommandozeile 5</short>
- <long>Die Kommandozeile, die bei Ausf├╝hrung von run_command5 in der Shell ausgef├╝hrt wird</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Γραμμή εντολών 5</short>
- <long>Γραμμή εντολών για εκτέλεση σε κέλυφος όταν επικαλεσθεί το τρέξιμο_εντολής5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Línea de comandos 5</short>
- <long>Línea de comandos que se ejecuta en el shell cuando run_command5 es invocado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>5 komando lerroa</short>
- <long>Shellean exekutatu beharreko komando lerroa exekutatu_5komandoa abiaraztean</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Komentorivi 5</short>
- <long>Suoritettava komentorivi, kun run_command5 suoritetaan</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Ligne de commande 5</short>
- <long>Ligne de commande à exécuter dans le shell lorsque run_command5 est appelé</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Li├▒a de comando 5</short>
- <long>Li├▒a de comando a ser executada na consola cando executar_comando5 sexa accionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>שורת פקודה 5</short>
- <long>שורת הפקודה שתופעל בעת הרצת פקודה5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>5. parancssor</short>
- <long>A run_command5 által elindított parancs</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Riga di comando 5</short>
- <long>Riga di comando da eseguire nella shell quando viene invocato run_command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンドライン 5</short>
- <long>コマンド 5 を実行 の呼び出し時にシェルで実行されるコマンドライン</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 5</short>
- <long>명령 5를 선택했을 때 실행될 쉘 명령행</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kommandolinje 5</short>
- <long>Kommandolinje som skal kjøres i konsoll når kjør_kommando5 blir innhentet</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Commando regel 5</short>
- <long>Command regel die uitgevoerd moet worden als start_command5 aangeroepen wordt</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଆଦେଶ ରେଖା ୫</short>
- <long>ସେଲରେ କାର୍ୟ୍ଯକାରୀ ହେବାକୁ ଥିବା ଆଦେଶ ରେଖା ୟେବେ ଚଳାଅ_ଆଦେଶ୫ ଡକାୟାଇଥାଏ </long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Linia poleceń 5</short>
- <long>Polecenie do wykonania w powłoce po wywołaniu skrótu 5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Linha de comando 5</short>
- <long>Linha de comando a ser executada no shell quando run_command5 for acionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Linha de comando 5</short>
- <long>Linha de comando a ser executada quando run_command5 for acionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Linie de comand─â 5</short>
- <long>Linia de comandă de executat în consolă cînd este invocată „rulează_comandă5”</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Командная строка 5</short>
- <long>Командная строка, которая будет выполнена в оболочке при вызове run_command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Príkazový riadok 5</short>
- <long>Príkaz, ktorý sa vykoná, ak sa v shelli volá run_command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>Kommandorad 5</short>
- <long>Kommandorad som ska köras i ett skal när run_command5 anropas</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>5. komut sat─▒r─▒</short>
- <long>Komut5_çalıştır çağrıldığında kabukta çalıştırılacak komut</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Команда 5</short>
- <long>Команда, яку буде виконано в оболонці при виклику run_command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>命令行5</short>
- <long>调用run_command5时要在shell中执行的命令行</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>shell指令 5</short>
- <long>當shell指令5設定之後,將會在shell裏面執行這個指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/command6</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/command6</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default/>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Command line 6</short>
- <long>Command line to be executed in shell when run_command6 is invoked</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Команден ред 6</short>
- <long>Команден ред, който ще бъде изпълнен в обвивката когато run_command6 е извикана</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Příkazová řádka 6</short>
- <long>Příkaz, který se vykoná, pokud je v shellu volán run_command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Kommandozeile 6</short>
- <long>Die Kommandozeile, die bei Ausf├╝hrung von run_command6 in der Shell ausgef├╝hrt wird</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Γραμμή εντολών 6</short>
- <long>Γραμμή εντολών για εκτέλεση σε κέλυφος όταν επικαλεσθεί το τρέξιμο_εντολής6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Línea de comandos 6</short>
- <long>Línea de comandos que se ejecuta en el shell cuando run_command6 es invocado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>6 komando lerroa</short>
- <long>Shellean exekutatu beharreko komando lerroa exekutatu_6komandoa abiaraztean</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Komentorivi 6</short>
- <long>Suoritettava komentorivi, kun run_command6 suoritetaan</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Ligne de commande 6</short>
- <long>Ligne de commande à exécuter dans le shell lorsque run_command6 est appelé</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Li├▒a de comando 6</short>
- <long>Li├▒a de comando a ser executada na consola cando executar_comando6 sexa accionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>שורת פקודה 6</short>
- <long>שורת הפקודה שתופעל בעת הרצת פקודה6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>6. parancssor</short>
- <long>A run_command6 által elindított parancs</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Riga di comando 6</short>
- <long>Riga di comando da eseguire nella shell quando viene invocato run_command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンドライン 6</short>
- <long>コマンド 6 を実行 の呼び出し時にシェルで実行されるコマンドライン</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 6</short>
- <long>명령 6을 선택했을 때 실행될 쉘 명령행</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kommandolinje 6</short>
- <long>Kommandolinje som skal kjøres i konsoll når kjør_kommando6 blir innhentet</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Commando regel 6</short>
- <long>Command regel die uitgevoerd moet worden als start_command6 aangeroepen wordt</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଆଦେଶ ରେଖା ୬ </short>
- <long>ସେଲରେ କାର୍ୟ୍ଯକାରୀ ହେବାକୁ ଥିବା ଆଦେଶ ରେଖା ୟେବେ ଚଳାଅ_ଆଦେଶ୬ ଡକାୟାଇଥାଏ </long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Linia poleceń 6</short>
- <long>Polecenie do wykonania w powłoce po wywołaniu skrótu 6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Linha de comando 6</short>
- <long>Linha de comando a ser executada no shell quando run_command6 for acionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Linha de comando 6</short>
- <long>Linha de comando a ser executada quando run_command6 for acionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Linie de comand─â 6</short>
- <long>Linia de comandă de executat în consolă cînd este invocată „rulează_comandă6”</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Командная строка 6</short>
- <long>Командная строка, которая будет выполнена в оболочке при вызове run_command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Príkazový riadok 6</short>
- <long>Príkaz, ktorý sa vykoná, ak sa v shelli volá run_command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>Kommandorad 6</short>
- <long>Kommandorad som ska köras i ett skal när run_command6 anropas</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>6. komut sat─▒r─▒</short>
- <long>Komut6_çalıştır çağrıldığında kabukta çalıştırılacak komut</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Команда 6</short>
- <long>Команда, яку буде виконано в оболонці при виклику run_command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>命令行6</short>
- <long>调用run_command6时要在shell中执行的命令行</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>shell指令 6</short>
- <long>當shell指令6設定之後,將會在shell裏面執行這個指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/command7</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/command7</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default/>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Command line 7</short>
- <long>Command line to be executed in shell when run_command7 is invoked</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Команден ред 7</short>
- <long>Команден ред, който ще бъде изпълнен в обвивката когато run_command7 е извикана</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Příkazová řádka 7</short>
- <long>Příkaz, který se vykoná, pokud je v shellu volán run_command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Kommandozeile 7</short>
- <long>Die Kommandozeile, die bei Ausf├╝hrung von run_command7 in der Shell ausgef├╝hrt wird</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Γραμμή εντολών 7</short>
- <long>Γραμμή εντολών για εκτέλεση σε κέλυφος όταν επικαλεσθεί το τρέξιμο_εντολής7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Línea de comandos 7</short>
- <long>Línea de comandos que se ejecuta en el shell cuando run_command7 es invocado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>7 komando lerroa</short>
- <long>Shellean exekutatu beharreko komando lerroa exekutatu_7komandoa abiaraztean</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Komentorivi 7</short>
- <long>Suoritettava komentorivi, kun run_command7 suoritetaan</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Ligne de commande 7</short>
- <long>Ligne de commande à exécuter dans le shell lorsque run_command7 est appelé</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Li├▒a de comando 7</short>
- <long>Li├▒a de comando a ser executada na consola cando executar_comando7 sexa accionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>שורת פקודה 7</short>
- <long>שורת הפקודה שתופעל בעת הרצת פקודה7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>7. parancssor</short>
- <long>A run_command7 által elindított parancs</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Riga di comando 7</short>
- <long>Riga di comando da eseguire nella shell quando viene invocato run_command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンドライン 7</short>
- <long>コマンド 7 を実行 の呼び出し時にシェルで実行されるコマンドライン</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 7</short>
- <long>명령 7을 선택했을 때 실행될 쉘 명령행</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kommandolinje 7</short>
- <long>Kommandolinje som skal kjøres i konsoll når kjør_kommando7 blir innhentet</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Commando regel 7</short>
- <long>Command regel die uitgevoerd moet worden als start_command7 aangeroepen wordt</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଆଦେଶ ରେଖା ୭</short>
- <long>ସେଲରେ କାର୍ୟ୍ଯକାରୀ ହେବାକୁ ଥିବା ଆଦେଶ ରେଖା ୟେବେ ଚଳାଅ_ଆଦେଶ୭ ଡକାୟାଇଥାଏ </long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Linia poleceń 7</short>
- <long>Polecenie do wykonania w powłoce po wywołaniu skrótu 7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Linha de comando 7</short>
- <long>Linha de comando a ser executada no shell quando run_command7 for acionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Linha de comando 7</short>
- <long>Linha de comando a ser executada quando run_command7 for acionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Linie de comand─â 7</short>
- <long>Linia de comandă de executat în consolă cînd este invocată „rulează_comandă7”</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Командная строка 7</short>
- <long>Командная строка, которая будет выполнена в оболочке при вызове run_command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Príkazový riadok 7</short>
- <long>Príkaz, ktorý sa vykoná, ak sa v shelli volá run_command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>Kommandorad 7</short>
- <long>Kommandorad som ska köras i ett skal när run_command7 anropas</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>7. komut sat─▒r─▒</short>
- <long>Komut7_çalıştır çağrıldığında kabukta çalıştırılacak komut</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Команда 7</short>
- <long>Команда, яку буде виконано в оболонці при виклику run_command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>命令行7</short>
- <long>调用run_command7时要在shell中执行的命令行</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>shell指令 7</short>
- <long>當shell指令7設定之後,將會在shell裏面執行這個指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/command8</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/command8</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default/>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Command line 8</short>
- <long>Command line to be executed in shell when run_command8 is invoked</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Команден ред 8</short>
- <long>Команден ред, който ще бъде изпълнен в обвивката когато run_command8 е извикана</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Příkazová řádka 8</short>
- <long>Příkaz, který se vykoná, pokud je v shellu volán run_command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Kommandozeile 8</short>
- <long>Die Kommandozeile, die bei Ausf├╝hrung von run_command8 in der Shell ausgef├╝hrt wird</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Γραμμή εντολών 8</short>
- <long>Γραμμή εντολών για εκτέλεση σε κέλυφος όταν επικαλεσθεί το τρέξιμο_εντολής8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Línea de comandos 8</short>
- <long>Línea de comandos que se ejecuta en el shell cuando run_command8 es invocado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>8 komando lerroa</short>
- <long>Shellean exekutatu beharreko komando lerroa exekutatu_8komandoa abiaraztean</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Komentorivi 8</short>
- <long>Suoritettava komentorivi, kun run_command8 suoritetaan</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Ligne de commande 8</short>
- <long>Ligne de commande à exécuter dans le shell lorsque run_command8 est appelé</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Li├▒a de comando 8</short>
- <long>Li├▒a de comando a ser executada na consola cando executar_comando8 sexa accionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>שורת פקודה 8</short>
- <long>שורת הפקודה שתופעל בעת הרצת פקודה8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>8. parancssor</short>
- <long>A run_command8 által elindított parancs</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Riga di comando 8</short>
- <long>Riga di comando da eseguire nella shell quando viene invocato run_command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンドライン 8</short>
- <long>コマンド 8 を実行 の呼び出し時にシェルで実行されるコマンドライン</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 8</short>
- <long>명령 8을 선택했을 때 실행될 쉘 명령행</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kommandolinje 8</short>
- <long>Kommandolinje som skal kjøres i konsoll når kjør_kommando8 blir innhentet</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Commando regel 8</short>
- <long>Command regel die uitgevoerd moet worden als start_command8 aangeroepen wordt</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଆଦେଶ ରେଖା ୮</short>
- <long>ସେଲରେ କାର୍ୟ୍ଯକାରୀ ହେବାକୁ ଥିବା ଆଦେଶ ରେଖା ୟେବେ ଚଳାଅ_ଆଦେଶ୮ ଡକାୟାଇଥାଏ </long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Linia poleceń 8</short>
- <long>Polecenie do wykonania w powłoce po wywołaniu skrótu 8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Linha de comando 8</short>
- <long>Linha de comando a ser executada no shell quando run_command8 for acionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Linha de comando 8</short>
- <long>Linha de comando a ser executada quando run_command8 for acionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Linie de comand─â 8</short>
- <long>Linia de comandă de executat în consolă cînd este invocată „rulează_comandă8”</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Командная строка 8</short>
- <long>Командная строка, которая будет выполнена в оболочке при вызове run_command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Príkazový riadok 8</short>
- <long>Príkaz, ktorý sa vykoná, ak sa v shelli volá run_command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>Kommandorad 8</short>
- <long>Kommandorad som ska köras i ett skal när run_command8 anropas</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>8. komut sat─▒r─▒</short>
- <long>Komut8_çalıştır çağrıldığında kabukta çalıştırılacak komut</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Команда 8</short>
- <long>Команда, яку буде виконано в оболонці при виклику run_command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>命令行8</short>
- <long>调用run_command8时要在shell中执行的命令行</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>shell指令 8</short>
- <long>當shell指令8設定之後,將會在shell裏面執行這個指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/command9</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/command9</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default/>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Command line 9</short>
- <long>Command line to be executed in shell when run_command9 is invoked</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Команден ред 9</short>
- <long>Команден ред, който ще бъде изпълнен в обвивката когато run_command9 е извикана</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Příkazová řádka 9</short>
- <long>Příkaz, který se vykoná, pokud je v shellu volán run_command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Kommandozeile 9</short>
- <long>Die Kommandozeile, die bei Ausf├╝hrung von run_command9 in der Shell ausgef├╝hrt wird</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Γραμμή εντολών 9</short>
- <long>Γραμμή εντολών για εκτέλεση σε κέλυφος όταν επικαλεσθεί το τρέξιμο_εντολής9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Línea de comandos 9</short>
- <long>Línea de comandos que se ejecuta en el shell cuando run_command9 es invocado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>9 komando lerroa</short>
- <long>Shellean exekutatu beharreko komando lerroa exekutatu_9komandoa abiaraztean</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Komentorivi 9</short>
- <long>Suoritettava komentorivi, kun run_command9 suoritetaan</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Ligne de commande 9</short>
- <long>Ligne de commande à exécuter dans le shell lorsque run_command9 est appelé</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Li├▒a de comando 9</short>
- <long>Li├▒a de comando a ser executada na consola cando executar_comando9 sexa accionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>שורת פקודה 9</short>
- <long>שורת הפקודה שתופעל בעת הרצת פקודה9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>9. parancssor</short>
- <long>A run_command9 által elindított parancs</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Riga di comando 9</short>
- <long>Riga di comando da eseguire nella shell quando viene invocato run_command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンドライン 9</short>
- <long>コマンド 9 を実行 の呼び出し時にシェルで実行されるコマンドライン</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 9</short>
- <long>명령 9를 선택했을 때 실행될 쉘 명령행</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kommandolinje 9</short>
- <long>Kommandolinje som skal kjøres i konsoll når kjør_kommando9 blir innhentet</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Commando regel 9</short>
- <long>Command regel die uitgevoerd moet worden als start_command9 aangeroepen wordt</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଆଦେଶ ରେଖା ୯ </short>
- <long>ସେଲରେ କାର୍ୟ୍ଯକାରୀ ହେବାକୁ ଥିବା ଆଦେଶ ରେଖା ୟେବେ ଚଳାଅ_ଆଦେଶ୯ ଡକାୟାଇଥାଏ </long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Linia poleceń 9</short>
- <long>Polecenie do wykonania w powłoce po wywołaniu skrótu 9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Linha de comando 9</short>
- <long>Linha de comando a ser executada no shell quando run_command9 for acionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Linha de comando 9</short>
- <long>Linha de comando a ser executada quando run_command9 for acionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Linie de comand─â 9</short>
- <long>Linia de comandă de executat în consolă cînd este invocată „rulează_comandă9”</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Командная строка 9</short>
- <long>Командная строка, которая будет выполнена в оболочке при вызове run_command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Príkazový riadok 9</short>
- <long>Príkaz, ktorý sa vykoná, ak sa v shelli volá run_command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>Kommandorad 9</short>
- <long>Kommandorad som ska köras i ett skal när run_command9 anropas</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>9. komut sat─▒r─▒</short>
- <long>Komut9_çalıştır çağrıldığında kabukta çalıştırılacak komut</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Команда 9</short>
- <long>Команда, яку буде виконано в оболонці при виклику run_command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>命令行9</short>
- <long>调用run_command9时要在shell中执行的命令行</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>shell指令 9</short>
- <long>當shell指令9設定之後,將會在shell裏面執行這個指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/command10</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/command10</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default/>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Command line 10</short>
- <long>Command line to be executed in shell when run_command10 is invoked</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Команден ред 10</short>
- <long>Команден ред, който ще бъде изпълнен в обвивката когато run_command10 е извикана</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Příkazová řádka 10</short>
- <long>Příkaz, který se vykoná, pokud je v shellu volán run_command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Kommandozeile 10</short>
- <long>Die Kommandozeile, die bei Ausf├╝hrung von run_command10 in der Shell ausgef├╝hrt wird</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Γραμμή εντολών 10</short>
- <long>Γραμμή εντολών για εκτέλεση σε κέλυφος όταν επικαλεσθεί το τρέξιμο_εντολής10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Línea de comandos 10</short>
- <long>Línea de comandos que se ejecuta en el shell cuando run_command10 es invocado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>10 komando lerroa</short>
- <long>Shellean exekutatu beharreko komando lerroa exekutatu_10komandoa abiaraztean</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Komentorivi 10</short>
- <long>Suoritettava komentorivi, kun run_command10 suoritetaan</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Ligne de commande 10</short>
- <long>Ligne de commande à exécuter dans le shell lorsque run_command10 est appelé</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Li├▒a de comando 10</short>
- <long>Li├▒a de comando a ser executada na consola cando executar_comando10 sexa accionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>שורת פקודה 10</short>
- <long>שורת הפקודה שתופעל בעת הרצת פקודה10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>10. parancssor</short>
- <long>A run_command10 által elindított parancs</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Riga di comando 10</short>
- <long>Riga di comando da eseguire nella shell quando viene invocato run_command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンドライン 10</short>
- <long>コマンド 10 を実行 の呼び出し時にシェルで実行されるコマンドライン</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 10</short>
- <long>명령 10을 선택했을 때 실행될 쉘 명령행</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kommandolinje 10</short>
- <long>Kommandolinje som skal kjøres i konsoll når kjør_kommando10 blir innhentet</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Commando regel 10</short>
- <long>Command regel die uitgevoerd moet worden als start_command10 aangeroepen wordt</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଆଦେଶ ରେଖା ୧୦ </short>
- <long>ସେଲରେ କାର୍ୟ୍ଯକାରୀ ହେବାକୁ ଥିବା ଆଦେଶ ରେଖା ୟେବେ ଚଳାଅ_ଆଦେଶ0୧୦ଡକାୟାଇଥାଏ </long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Linia poleceń 10</short>
- <long>Polecenie do wykonania w powłoce po wywołaniu skrótu 10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Linha de comando 10</short>
- <long>Linha de comando a ser executada no shell quando run_command10 for acionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Linha de comando 10</short>
- <long>Linha de comando a ser executada quando run_command10 for acionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Linie de comand─â 10</short>
- <long>Linia de comandă de executat în consolă cînd este invocată „rulează_comandă10”</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Командная строка 10</short>
- <long>Командная строка, которая будет выполнена в оболочке при вызове run_command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Príkazový riadok 10</short>
- <long>Príkaz, ktorý sa vykoná, ak sa v shelli volá run_command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>Kommandorad 10</short>
- <long>Kommandorad som ska köras i ett skal när run_command10 anropas</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>10. komut sat─▒r─▒</short>
- <long>Komut10_çalıştır çağrıldığında kabukta çalıştırılacak komut</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Команда 10</short>
- <long>Команда, яку буде виконано в оболонці при виклику run_command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>命令行10</short>
- <long>调用run_command10时要在shell中执行的命令行</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>shell指令 10</short>
- <long>當shell指令10設定之後,將會在shell裏面執行這個指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/command11</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/command11</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default/>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Command line 11</short>
- <long>Command line to be executed in shell when run_command11 is invoked</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Команден ред 11</short>
- <long>Команден ред, който ще бъде изпълнен в обвивката когато run_command11 е извикана</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Příkazová řádka 11</short>
- <long>Příkaz, který se vykoná, pokud je v shellu volán run_command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Kommandozeile 11</short>
- <long>Die Kommandozeile, die bei Ausf├╝hrung von run_command11 in der Shell ausgef├╝hrt wird</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Γραμμή εντολών 11</short>
- <long>Γραμμή εντολών για εκτέλεση σε κέλυφος όταν επικαλεσθεί το τρέξιμο_εντολής11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Línea de comandos 11</short>
- <long>Línea de comandos que se ejecuta en el shell cuando run_command11 es invocado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>11 komando lerroa</short>
- <long>Shellean exekutatu beharreko komando lerroa exekutatu_11komandoa abiaraztean</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Komentorivi 11</short>
- <long>Suoritettava komentorivi, kun run_command11 suoritetaan</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Ligne de commande 11</short>
- <long>Ligne de commande à exécuter dans le shell lorsque run_command11 est appelé</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Li├▒a de comando 11</short>
- <long>Li├▒a de comando a ser executada na consola cando executar_comando11 sexa accionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>שורת פקודה 11</short>
- <long>שורת הפקודה שתופעל בעת הרצת פקודה11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>11. parancssor</short>
- <long>A run_command11 által elindított parancs</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Riga di comando 11</short>
- <long>Riga di comando da eseguire nella shell quando viene invocato run_comman11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンドライン 11</short>
- <long>コマンド 11 を実行 の呼び出し時にシェルで実行されるコマンドライン</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 11</short>
- <long>명령 11을 선택했을 때 실행될 쉘 명령행</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kommandolinje 11</short>
- <long>Kommandolinje som skal kjøres i konsoll når kjør_kommando11 blir innhentet</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Commando regel 11</short>
- <long>Command regel die uitgevoerd moet worden als start_command11 aangeroepen wordt</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଆଦେଶ ରେଖା ୧୧ </short>
- <long>ସେଲରେ କାର୍ୟ୍ଯକାରୀ ହେବାକୁ ଥିବା ଆଦେଶ ରେଖା ୟେବେ ଚଳାଅ_ଆଦେଶ୧୧ ଡକାୟାଇଥାଏ </long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Linia poleceń 11</short>
- <long>Polecenie do wykonania w powłoce po wywołaniu skrótu 11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Linha de comando 11</short>
- <long>Linha de comando a ser executada no shell quando run_command11 for acionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Linha de comando 11</short>
- <long>Linha de comando a ser executada quando run_command11 for acionado</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Linie de comand─â 11</short>
- <long>Linia de comandă de executat în consolă cînd este invocată „rulează_comandă11”</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Командная строка 11</short>
- <long>Командная строка, которая будет выполнена в оболочке при вызове run_command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Príkazový riadok 11</short>
- <long>Príkaz, ktorý sa vykoná, ak sa v shelli volá run_command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>Kommandorad 11</short>
- <long>Kommandorad som ska köras i ett skal när run_command11 anropas</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>11. komut sat─▒r─▒</short>
- <long>Komut11_çalıştır çağrıldığında kabukta çalıştırılacak komut</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Команда 11</short>
- <long>Команда, яку буде виконано в оболонці при виклику run_command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>命令行11</short>
- <long>调用run_command11时要在shell中执行的命令行</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>shell指令 11</short>
- <long>當shell指令11設定之後,將會在shell裏面執行這個指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command0_key</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command0_key</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default>Disabled</default>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 0</short>
- <long>A keybinding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command0</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command1_key</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command1_key</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default>Disabled</default>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 1</short>
- <long>A keybinding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 1</short>
- <long>Комбинация от клавиши, която при натискане ще стартира команда на обвивката, идентифицирана от команда1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 1</short>
- <long>Klávesové zkratky, které spustí příkaz určený command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 1 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>Eine Tastenbelegung, die den durch Befehl 1 festgelegten Shell-Befehl ausf├╝hrt</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 1</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός πλήκτρων που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 1</short>
- <long>Combinación de teclas que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 1 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command1 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 1</short>
- <long>Näppäinyhdistelmä, jota painettaessa ajetaan komento command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 1</short>
- <long>Raccourci qui, lorsqu'il est appelé, exécute la commande du shell identifiée par command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 1</short>
- <long>Un atallo de teclado que, cando é accionado, executa o comando de consolaidentificado polo comando1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 1</short>
- <long>צירוף מקשים להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>1. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command1 parancs futtatására használt billentyűzetkombináció</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 1</short>
- <long>Un'associazione di tasti che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 1 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 1 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するキー割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 1 실행</short>
- <long>명령 1에 지정된 명령을 실행할 키</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 1</short>
- <long>En hurtigtast som, når innhentet, vil kjøre konsollkommandoen identifisert som kommando1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 1</short>
- <long>Een toetsbinding die wanneer gekozen een shell opdracht zal uitvoeren herkenbaar aan commando1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୧</short>
- <long>ଗୋଟିଏ କି-ବନ୍ଧନ ୟାହାକି ୟେବେ ଡକାୟାଏ, ଆଦେଶ ୧ ଦ୍ବାରା ଚିହ୍ନଟ ହୋଇଥିବା ସେଲ ଆଦେଶକୁ ଚଳାଇବ </long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 1</short>
- <long>Skr├│t klawiaturowy, kt├│ry spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 1</short>
- <long>Um atalho de teclado que, quando acionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 1</short>
- <long>Uma tecla de atalho que, quando acionado, executa o comando identificado pelo comando1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 1</short>
- <long>O combinație de taste care va rula comanda de consolă identificată prin „comandă1”</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 1</short>
- <long>Комбинация клавиш, которая при вызове, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 1</short>
- <long>Klávesové skratky, ktoré spustia príkaz identifikovaný ako command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 1</short>
- <long>En tangentgenväg som när anropas kommer att köra skalkommandot identifierat som kommando1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>1. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>Tetiklendiğinde komut1 olarak tanımlanmış olan kabuk komutunu çalıştıracak bir kısayol birleşimi</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 1</short>
- <long>Комбінація клавіш, при натисненні якої буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令1</short>
- <long>一个按键绑定,调用时将运行由command1定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 1</short>
- <long>當鍵盤按鍵設定啟用,將會執行第1個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command2_key</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command2_key</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default>Disabled</default>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 2</short>
- <long>A keybinding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 2</short>
- <long>Комбинация от клавиши, която при натискане ще стартира команда на обвивката, идентифицирана от команда12</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 2</short>
- <long>Klávesové zkratky, které spustí příkaz určený command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 12 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>Eine Tastenbelegung, die den durch Befehl 2 festgelegten Shell-Befehl ausf├╝hrt</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 2</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός πλήκτρων που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 2</short>
- <long>Combinación de teclas que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 2 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command2 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 2</short>
- <long>Näppäinyhdistelmä, jota painettaessa ajetaan komento command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 2</short>
- <long>Raccourci qui, lorsqu'il est appelé, exécute la commande du shell identifiée par command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 2</short>
- <long>Un atallo de teclado que, cando é accionado, executa o comando de consolaidentificado polo comando2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 2</short>
- <long>צירוף מקשים להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>2. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command2 parancs futtatására használt billentyűzetkombináció</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 2</short>
- <long>Un'associazione di tasti che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 2 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 2 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するキー割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 2 실행</short>
- <long>명령 2에 지정된 명령을 실행할 키</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 2</short>
- <long>En hurtigtast som, når innhentet, vil kjøre konsollkommandoen identifisert som kommando2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 2</short>
- <long>Een toetsbinding die wanneer gekozen een shell opdracht zal uitvoeren herkenbaar aan commando2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୨</short>
- <long>ଗୋଟିଏ କି-ବନ୍ଧନ ୟାହାକି ୟେବେ ଡକାୟାଏ, ଆଦେଶ ୨ ଦ୍ବାରା ଚିହ୍ନଟ ହୋଇଥିବା ସେଲ ଆଦେଶକୁ ଚଳାଇବ </long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 2</short>
- <long>Skr├│t klawiaturowy, kt├│ry spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 2</short>
- <long>Um atalho de teclado que, quando acionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 2</short>
- <long>Uma tecla de atalho que, quando acionada, executa o comando identificado pelo comando2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 2</short>
- <long>O combinație de taste care va rula comanda de consolă identificată prin „comandă2”</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 2</short>
- <long>Комбинация клавиш, которая при вызове, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 2</short>
- <long>Klávesové skratky, ktoré spustia príkaz identifikovaný ako command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 2</short>
- <long>En tangentgenväg som när anropas kommer att köra skalkommandot identifierat som kommando2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>2. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>Tetiklendiğinde komut2 olarak tanımlanmış olan kabuk komutunu çalıştıracak bir kısayol birleşimi</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 2</short>
- <long>Комбінація клавіш, при натисненні якої буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令2</short>
- <long>一个按键绑定,调用时将运行由command2定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 2</short>
- <long>當鍵盤按鍵設定啟用,將會執行第2個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command3_key</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command3_key</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default>Disabled</default>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 3</short>
- <long>A keybinding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 3</short>
- <long>Комбинация от клавиши, която при натискане ще стартира команда на обвивката, идентифицирана от команда3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 3</short>
- <long>Klávesové zkratky, které spustí příkaz určený command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 3 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>Eine Tastenbelegung, die den durch Befehl 3 festgelegten Shell-Befehl ausf├╝hrt</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 3</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός πλήκτρων που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 3</short>
- <long>Combinación de teclas que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 3 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command3 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 3</short>
- <long>Näppäinyhdistelmä, jota painettaessa ajetaan komento command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 3</short>
- <long>Raccourci qui, lorsqu'il est appelé, exécute la commande du shell identifiée par command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 3</short>
- <long>Un atallo de teclado que, cando é accionado, executa o comando de consola identificado polo comando3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 3</short>
- <long>צירוף מקשים להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>3. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command3 parancs futtatására használt billentyűzetkombináció</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 3</short>
- <long>Un'associazione di tasti che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 3 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 3 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するキー割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 3 실행</short>
- <long>명령 3에 지정된 명령을 실행할 키</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 3</short>
- <long>En hurtigtast som, når innhentet, vil kjøre konsollkommandoen identifisert som kommando3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 3</short>
- <long>Een toetsbinding die wanneer gekozen een shell opdracht zal uitvoeren herkenbaar aan commando3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୩</short>
- <long>ଗୋଟିଏ କି-ବନ୍ଧନ ୟାହାକି ୟେବେ ଡକାୟାଏ, ଆଦେଶ ୩ ଦ୍ବାରା ଚିହ୍ନଟ ହୋଇଥିବା ସେଲ ଆଦେଶକୁ ଚଳାଇବ </long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 3</short>
- <long>Skr├│t klawiaturowy, kt├│ry spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 3</short>
- <long>Um atalho de teclado que, quando acionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 3</short>
- <long>Uma tecla de atalho que, quando acionada, executa o comando identificado pelo comando3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 3</short>
- <long>O combinație de taste care va rula comanda de consolă identificată prin „comandă3”</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 3</short>
- <long>Комбинация клавиш, которая при вызове, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 3</short>
- <long>Klávesové skratky, ktoré spustia príkaz identifikovaný ako command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 3</short>
- <long>En tangentgenväg som när anropas kommer att köra skalkommandot identifierat som kommando3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>3. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>Tetiklendiğinde komut3 olarak tanımlanmış olan kabuk komutunu çalıştıracak bir kısayol birleşimi</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 3</short>
- <long>Комбінація клавіш, при натисненні якої буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令3</short>
- <long>一个按键绑定,调用时将运行由command3定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 3</short>
- <long>當鍵盤按鍵設定啟用,將會執行第3個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command4_key</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command4_key</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default>Disabled</default>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 4</short>
- <long>A keybinding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 4</short>
- <long>Комбинация от клавиши, която при натискане ще стартира команда на обвивката, идентифицирана от команда4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 4</short>
- <long>Klávesové zkratky, které spustí příkaz určený command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 4 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>Eine Tastenbelegung, die den durch Befehl 4 festgelegten Shell-Befehl ausf├╝hrt</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 4</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός πλήκτρων που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 4</short>
- <long>Combinación de teclas que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 4 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command4 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 4</short>
- <long>Näppäinyhdistelmä, jota painettaessa ajetaan komento command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 4</short>
- <long>Raccourci qui, lorsqu'il est appelé, exécute la commande du shell identifiée par command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 4</short>
- <long>Un atallo de teclado que, cando é accionado, executa o comando de consola identificado polo comando4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 4</short>
- <long>צירוף מקשים להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>4. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command4 parancs futtatására használt billentyűzetkombináció</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 4</short>
- <long>Un'associazione di tasti che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 4 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 4 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するキー割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 4 실행</short>
- <long>명령 4에 지정된 명령을 실행할 키</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 4</short>
- <long>En hurtigtast som, når innhentet, vil kjøre konsollkommandoen identifisert som kommando4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 4</short>
- <long>Een toetsbinding die wanneer gekozen een shell opdracht zal uitvoeren herkenbaar aan commando4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୪</short>
- <long>ଗୋଟିଏ କି-ବନ୍ଧନ ୟାହାକି ୟେବେ ଡକାୟାଏ, ଆଦେଶ ୪ ଦ୍ବାରା ଚିହ୍ନଟ ହୋଇଥିବା ସେଲ ଆଦେଶକୁ ଚଳାଇବ </long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 4</short>
- <long>Skr├│t klawiaturowy, kt├│ry spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 4</short>
- <long>Um atalho de teclado que, quando acionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 4</short>
- <long>Uma tecla de atalho que, quando acionada, executa o comando identificado pelo comando4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 4</short>
- <long>O combinație de taste care va rula comanda de consolă identificată prin „comandă4”</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 4</short>
- <long>Комбинация клавиш, которая при вызове, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 4</short>
- <long>Klávesové skratky, ktoré spustia príkaz identifikovaný ako command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 4</short>
- <long>En tangentgenväg som när anropas kommer att köra skalkommandot identifierat som kommando4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>4. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>Tetiklendiğinde komut4 olarak tanımlanmış olan kabuk komutunu çalıştıracak bir kısayol birleşimi</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 4</short>
- <long>Комбінація клавіш, при натисненні якої буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令4</short>
- <long>一个按键绑定,调用时将运行由command4定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 4</short>
- <long>當鍵盤按鍵設定啟用,將會執行第4個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command5_key</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command5_key</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default>Disabled</default>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 5</short>
- <long>A keybinding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 5</short>
- <long>Комбинация от клавиши, която при натискане ще стартира команда на обвивката, идентифицирана от команда5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 5</short>
- <long>Klávesové zkratky, které spustí příkaz určený command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 5 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>Eine Tastenbelegung, die den durch Befehl 5 festgelegten Shell-Befehl ausf├╝hrt</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 5</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός πλήκτρων που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 5</short>
- <long>Combinación de teclas que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 5 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command5 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 5</short>
- <long>Näppäinyhdistelmä, jota painettaessa ajetaan komento command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 5</short>
- <long>Raccourci qui, lorsqu'il est appelé, exécute la commande du shell identifiée par command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 5</short>
- <long>Un atallo de teclado que, cando é accionado, executa o comando de consola identificado polo comando5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 5</short>
- <long>צירוף מקשים להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>5. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command5 parancs futtatására használt billentyűzetkombináció</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 5</short>
- <long>Un'associazione di tasti che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 5 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 5 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するキー割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 5 실행</short>
- <long>명령 5에 지정된 명령을 실행할 키</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 5</short>
- <long>En hurtigtast som, når innhentet, vil kjøre konsollkommandoen identifisert som kommando5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 5</short>
- <long>Een toetsbinding die wanneer gekozen een shell opdracht zal uitvoeren herkenbaar aan commando5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୫</short>
- <long>ଗୋଟିଏ କି-ବନ୍ଧନ ୟାହାକି ୟେବେ ଡକାୟାଏ, ଆଦେଶ୫ ଦ୍ବାରା ଚିହ୍ନଟ ହୋଇଥିବା ସେଲ ଆଦେଶକୁ ଚଳାଇବ </long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 5</short>
- <long>Skr├│t klawiaturowy, kt├│ry spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 5</short>
- <long>Um atalho de teclado que, quando acionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 5</short>
- <long>Uma tecla de atalho que, quando acionada, executa o comando identificado pelo comando5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 5</short>
- <long>O combinație de taste care va rula comanda de consolă identificată prin „comandă5”</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 5</short>
- <long>Комбинация клавиш, которая при вызове, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 5</short>
- <long>Klávesové skratky, ktoré spustia príkaz identifikovaný ako command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 5</short>
- <long>En tangentgenväg som när anropas kommer att köra skalkommandot identifierat som kommando5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>5. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>Tetiklendiğinde komut5 olarak tanımlanmış olan kabuk komutunu çalıştıracak bir kısayol birleşimi</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 5</short>
- <long>Комбінація клавіш, при натисненні якої буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令5</short>
- <long>一个按键绑定,调用时将运行由command5定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 5</short>
- <long>當鍵盤按鍵設定啟用,將會執行第5個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command6_key</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command6_key</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default>Disabled</default>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 6</short>
- <long>A keybinding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 6</short>
- <long>Комбинация от клавиши, която при натискане ще стартира команда на обвивката, идентифицирана от команда6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 6</short>
- <long>Klávesové zkratky, které spustí příkaz určený command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 6 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>Eine Tastenbelegung, die den durch Befehl 6 festgelegten Shell-Befehl ausf├╝hrt</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 6</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός πλήκτρων που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 6</short>
- <long>Combinación de teclas que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 6 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command6 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 6</short>
- <long>Näppäinyhdistelmä, jota painettaessa ajetaan komento command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 6</short>
- <long>Raccourci qui, lorsqu'il est appelé, exécute la commande du shell identifiée par command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 6</short>
- <long>Un atallo de teclado que, cando é accionado, executa o comando de consola identificado polo comando6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 6</short>
- <long>צירוף מקשים להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>6. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command6 parancs futtatására használt billentyűzetkombináció</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 6</short>
- <long>Un'associazione di tasti che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 6 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 6 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するキー割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 6 실행</short>
- <long>명령 6에 지정된 명령을 실행할 키</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 6</short>
- <long>En hurtigtast som, når innhentet, vil kjøre konsollkommandoen identifisert som kommando6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 6</short>
- <long>Een toetsbinding die wanneer gekozen een shell opdracht zal uitvoeren herkenbaar aan commando6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୬</short>
- <long>ଗୋଟିଏ କି-ବନ୍ଧନ ୟାହାକି ୟେବେ ଡକାୟାଏ, ଆଦେଶ ୬ ଦ୍ବାରା ଚିହ୍ନଟ ହୋଇଥିବା ସେଲ ଆଦେଶକୁ ଚଳାଇବ </long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 6</short>
- <long>Skr├│t klawiaturowy, kt├│ry spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 6</short>
- <long>Um atalho de teclado que, quando acionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 6</short>
- <long>Uma tecla de atalho que, quando acionada, executa o comando identificado pelo comando6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 6</short>
- <long>O combinație de taste care va rula comanda de consolă identificată prin „comandă6”</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 6</short>
- <long>Комбинация клавиш, которая при вызове, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 6</short>
- <long>Klávesové skratky, ktoré spustia príkaz identifikovaný ako command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 6</short>
- <long>En tangentgenväg som när anropas kommer att köra skalkommandot identifierat som kommando6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>6. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>Tetiklendiğinde komut6 olarak tanımlanmış olan kabuk komutunu çalıştıracak bir kısayol birleşimi</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 6</short>
- <long>Комбінація клавіш, при натисненні якої буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令6</short>
- <long>一个按键绑定,调用时将运行由command6定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 6</short>
- <long>當鍵盤按鍵設定啟用,將會執行第6個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command7_key</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command7_key</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default>Disabled</default>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 7</short>
- <long>A keybinding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 7</short>
- <long>Комбинация от клавиши, която при натискане ще стартира команда на обвивката, идентифицирана от команда7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 7</short>
- <long>Klávesové zkratky, které spustí příkaz určený command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 7 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>Eine Tastenbelegung, die den durch Befehl 7 festgelegten Shell-Befehl ausf├╝hrt</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 7</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός πλήκτρων που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 7</short>
- <long>Combinación de teclas que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 7 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command7 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 7</short>
- <long>Näppäinyhdistelmä, jota painettaessa ajetaan komento command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 7</short>
- <long>Raccourci qui, lorsqu'il est appelé, exécute la commande du shell identifiée par command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 7</short>
- <long>Un atallo de teclado que, cando é accionado, executa o comando de consola identificado polo comando7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 7</short>
- <long>צירוף מקשים להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>7. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command7 parancs futtatására használt billentyűzetkombináció</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 7</short>
- <long>Un'associazione di tasti che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 7 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 7 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するキー割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 7 실행</short>
- <long>명령 7에 지정된 명령을 실행할 키</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 7</short>
- <long>En hurtigtast som, når innhentet, vil kjøre konsollkommandoen identifisert som kommando7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 7</short>
- <long>Een toetsbinding die wanneer gekozen een shell opdracht zal uitvoeren herkenbaar aan commando7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୭</short>
- <long>ଗୋଟିଏ କି-ବନ୍ଧନ ୟାହାକି ୟେବେ ଡକାୟାଏ, ଆଦେଶ ୭ ଦ୍ବାରା ଚିହ୍ନଟ ହୋଇଥିବା ସେଲ ଆଦେଶକୁ ଚଳାଇବ </long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 7</short>
- <long>Skr├│t klawiaturowy, kt├│ry spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 7</short>
- <long>Um atalho de teclado que, quando acionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 7</short>
- <long>Uma tecla de atalho que, quando acionada, executa o comando identificado pelo comando7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 7</short>
- <long>O combinație de taste care va rula comanda de consolă identificată prin „comandă7”</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 7</short>
- <long>Комбинация клавиш, которая при вызове, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 7</short>
- <long>Klávesové skratky, ktoré spustia príkaz identifikovaný ako command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 7</short>
- <long>En tangentgenväg som när anropas kommer att köra skalkommandot identifierat som kommando7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>7. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>Tetiklendiğinde komut7 olarak tanımlanmış olan kabuk komutunu çalıştıracak bir kısayol birleşimi</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 7</short>
- <long>Комбінація клавіш, при натисненні якої буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令7</short>
- <long>一个按键绑定,调用时将运行由command7定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 7</short>
- <long>當鍵盤按鍵設定啟用,將會執行第7個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command8_key</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command8_key</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default>Disabled</default>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 8</short>
- <long>A keybinding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 8</short>
- <long>Комбинация от клавиши, която при натискане ще стартира команда на обвивката, идентифицирана от команда8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 8</short>
- <long>Klávesové zkratky, které spustí příkaz určený command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 8 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>Eine Tastenbelegung, die den durch Befehl 8 festgelegten Shell-Befehl ausf├╝hrt</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 8</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός πλήκτρων που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 8</short>
- <long>Combinación de teclas que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 8 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command8 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 8</short>
- <long>Näppäinyhdistelmä, jota painettaessa ajetaan komento command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 8</short>
- <long>Raccourci qui, lorsqu'il est appelé, exécute la commande du shell identifiée par command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 8</short>
- <long>Un atallo de teclado que, cando é accionado, executa o comando de consola identificado polo comando8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 8</short>
- <long>צירוף מקשים להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>8. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command8 parancs futtatására használt billentyűzetkombináció</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 8</short>
- <long>Un'associazione di tasti che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 8 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 8 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するキー割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 8 실행</short>
- <long>명령 8에 지정된 명령을 실행할 키</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 8</short>
- <long>En hurtigtast som, når innhentet, vil kjøre konsollkommandoen identifisert som kommando8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 8</short>
- <long>Een toetsbinding die wanneer gekozen een shell opdracht zal uitvoeren herkenbaar aan commando8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୮</short>
- <long>ଗୋଟିଏ କି-ବନ୍ଧନ ୟାହାକି ୟେବେ ଡକାୟାଏ, ଆଦେଶ ୮ ଦ୍ବାରା ଚିହ୍ନଟ ହୋଇଥିବା ସେଲ ଆଦେଶକୁ ଚଳାଇବ </long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 8</short>
- <long>Skr├│t klawiaturowy, kt├│ry spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 8</short>
- <long>Um atalho de teclado que, quando acionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 8</short>
- <long>Uma tecla de atalho que, quando acionada, executa o comando identificado pelo comando8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 8</short>
- <long>O combinație de taste care va rula comanda de consolă identificată prin „comandă8”</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 8</short>
- <long>Комбинация клавиш, которая при вызове, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 8</short>
- <long>Klávesové skratky, ktoré spustia príkaz identifikovaný ako command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 8</short>
- <long>En tangentgenväg som när anropas kommer att köra skalkommandot identifierat som kommando8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>8. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>Tetiklendiğinde komut8 olarak tanımlanmış olan kabuk komutunu çalıştıracak bir kısayol birleşimi</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 8</short>
- <long>Комбінація клавіш, при натисненні якої буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令8</short>
- <long>一个按键绑定,调用时将运行由command8定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 8</short>
- <long>當鍵盤按鍵設定啟用,將會執行第8個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command9_key</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command9_key</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default>Disabled</default>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 9</short>
- <long>A keybinding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 9</short>
- <long>Комбинация от клавиши, която при натискане ще стартира команда на обвивката, идентифицирана от команда9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 9</short>
- <long>Klávesové zkratky, které spustí příkaz určený command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 9 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>Eine Tastenbelegung, die den durch Befehl 9 festgelegten Shell-Befehl ausf├╝hrt</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 9</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός πλήκτρων που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 9</short>
- <long>Combinación de teclas que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 9 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command9 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 9</short>
- <long>Näppäinyhdistelmä, jota painettaessa ajetaan komento command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 9</short>
- <long>Raccourci qui, lorsqu'il est appelé, exécute la commande du shell identifiée par command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 9</short>
- <long>Un atallo de teclado que, cando é accionado, executa o comando de consola identificado polo comando9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 9</short>
- <long>צירוף מקשים להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>9. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command9 parancs futtatására használt billentyűzetkombináció</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 9</short>
- <long>Un'associazione di tasti che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 9 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 9 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するキー割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 9 실행</short>
- <long>명령 9에 지정된 명령을 실행할 키</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 9</short>
- <long>En hurtigtast som, når innhentet, vil kjøre konsollkommandoen identifisert som kommando9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 9</short>
- <long>Een toetsbinding die wanneer gekozen een shell opdracht zal uitvoeren herkenbaar aan commando9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୯</short>
- <long>ଗୋଟିଏ କି-ବନ୍ଧନ ୟାହାକି ୟେବେ ଡକାୟାଏ, ଆଦେଶ ୯ ଦ୍ବାରା ଚିହ୍ନଟ ହୋଇଥିବା ସେଲ ଆଦେଶକୁ ଚଳାଇବ </long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 9</short>
- <long>Skr├│t klawiaturowy, kt├│ry spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 9</short>
- <long>Um atalho de teclado que, quando acionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 9</short>
- <long>Uma tecla de atalho que, quando acionada, executa o comando identificado pelo comando9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 9</short>
- <long>O combinație de taste care va rula comanda de consolă identificată prin „comandă9”</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 9</short>
- <long>Комбинация клавиш, которая при вызове, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 9</short>
- <long>Klávesové skratky, ktoré spustia príkaz identifikovaný ako command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 9</short>
- <long>En tangentgenväg som när anropas kommer att köra skalkommandot identifierat som kommando9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>9. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>Tetiklendiğinde komut9 olarak tanımlanmış olan kabuk komutunu çalıştıracak bir kısayol birleşimi</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 9</short>
- <long>Комбінація клавіш, при натисненні якої буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令9</short>
- <long>一个按键绑定,调用时将运行由command9定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 9</short>
- <long>當鍵盤按鍵設定啟用,將會執行第9個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command10_key</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command10_key</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default>Disabled</default>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 10</short>
- <long>A keybinding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 10</short>
- <long>Комбинация от клавиши, която при натискане ще стартира команда на обвивката, идентифицирана от команда10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 10</short>
- <long>Klávesové zkratky, které spustí příkaz určený command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 10 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>Eine Tastenbelegung, die den durch Befehl 10 festgelegten Shell-Befehl ausf├╝hrt</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 10</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός πλήκτρων που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 10</short>
- <long>Combinación de teclas que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 10 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command10 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 10</short>
- <long>Näppäinyhdistelmä, jota painettaessa ajetaan komento command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 10</short>
- <long>Raccourci qui, lorsqu'il est appelé, exécute la commande du shell identifiée par command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 10</short>
- <long>Un atallo de teclado que, cando é accionado, executa o comando de consolaidentificado polo comando10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 10</short>
- <long>צירוף מקשים להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>10. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command10 parancs futtatására használt billentyűzetkombináció</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 10</short>
- <long>Un'associazione di tasti che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 10 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 10 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するキー割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 10 실행</short>
- <long>명령 10에 지정된 명령을 실행할 키</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 10</short>
- <long>En hurtigtast som, når innhentet, vil kjøre konsollkommandoen identifisert som kommando10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 10</short>
- <long>Een toetsbinding die wanneer gekozen een shell opdracht zal uitvoeren herkenbaar aan commando10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୧୦</short>
- <long>ଗୋଟିଏ କି-ବନ୍ଧନ ୟାହାକି ୟେବେ ଡକାୟାଏ, ଆଦେଶ ୧୦ ଦ୍ବାରା ଚିହ୍ନଟ ହୋଇଥିବା ସେଲ ଆଦେଶକୁ ଚଳାଇବ </long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 10</short>
- <long>Skr├│t klawiaturowy, kt├│ry spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 10</short>
- <long>Um atalho de teclado que, quando acionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 10</short>
- <long>Uma tecla de atalho que, quando acionada, executa o comando identificado pelo comando10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 10</short>
- <long>O combinație de taste care va rula comanda de consolă identificată prin „comandă10”</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 10</short>
- <long>Комбинация клавиш, которая при вызове, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 10</short>
- <long>Klávesové skratky, ktoré spustia príkaz identifikovaný ako command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 10</short>
- <long>En tangentgenväg som när anropas kommer att köra skalkommandot identifierat som kommando10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>10. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>Tetiklendiğinde komut10 olarak tanımlanmış olan kabuk komutunu çalıştıracak bir kısayol birleşimi</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 10</short>
- <long>Комбінація клавіш, при натисненні якої буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令10</short>
- <long>一个按键绑定,调用时将运行由command10定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 10</short>
- <long>當鍵盤按鍵設定啟用,將會執行第10個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command11_key</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command11_key</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default>Disabled</default>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 11</short>
- <long>A keybinding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 11</short>
- <long>Комбинация от клавиши, която при натискане ще стартира команда на обвивката, идентифицирана от команда11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 11</short>
- <long>Klávesové zkratky, které spustí příkaz určený command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 11 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>Eine Tastenbelegung, die den durch Befehl 11 festgelegten Shell-Befehl ausf├╝hrt</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 11</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός πλήκτρων που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 11</short>
- <long>Combinación de teclas que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 11 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command11 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 11</short>
- <long>Näppäinyhdistelmä, jota painettaessa ajetaan komento command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 11</short>
- <long>Raccourci qui, lorsqu'il est appelé, exécute la commande du shell identifiée par command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 11</short>
- <long>Un atallo de teclado que, cando é accionado, executa o comando de consolaidentificado polo comando11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 11</short>
- <long>צירוף מקשים להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>11. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command11 parancs futtatására használt billentyűzetkombináció</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 11</short>
- <long>Un'associazione di tasti che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 11 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 11 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するキー割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 11 실행</short>
- <long>명령 11에 지정된 명령을 실행할 키</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 11</short>
- <long>En hurtigtast som, når innhentet, vil kjøre konsollkommandoen identifisert som kommando11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 11</short>
- <long>Een toetsbinding die wanneer gekozen een shell opdracht zal uitvoeren herkenbaar aan commando11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୧୧</short>
- <long>ଗୋଟିଏ କି-ବନ୍ଧନ ୟାହାକି ୟେବେ ଡକାୟାଏ, ଆଦେଶ ୧୧ ଦ୍ବାରା ଚିହ୍ନଟ ହୋଇଥିବା ସେଲ ଆଦେଶକୁ ଚଳାଇବ </long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 11</short>
- <long>Skr├│t klawiaturowy, kt├│ry spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 11</short>
- <long>Um atalho de teclado que, quando acionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 11</short>
- <long>Uma tecla de atalho que, quando acionada, executa o comando identificado pelo comando11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 11</short>
- <long>O combinație de taste care va rula comanda de consolă identificată prin „comandă11”</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 11</short>
- <long>Комбинация клавиш, которая при вызове, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 11</short>
- <long>Klávesové skratky, ktoré spustia príkaz identifikovaný ako command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 11</short>
- <long>En tangentgenväg som när anropas kommer att köra skalkommandot identifierat som kommando11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>11. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>Tetiklendiğinde komut11 olarak tanımlanmış olan kabuk komutunu çalıştıracak bir kısayol birleşimi</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 11</short>
- <long>Комбінація клавіш, при натисненні якої буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令11</short>
- <long>一个按键绑定,调用时将运行由command11定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 11</short>
- <long>當鍵盤按鍵設定啟用,將會執行第11個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command0_button</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command0_button</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default>Disabled</default>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 0</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command0</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command1_button</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command1_button</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default>Disabled</default>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 1</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 1</short>
- <long>Комбинация от клавиши, която при натискане ще стартира команда на обвивката, идентифицирана от команда1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 1</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 1 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 1</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός πλήκτρων που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 1</short>
- <long>Combinación de botones que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 1 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command1 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 1</short>
- <long>Näppäinyhdistelmä, jota painettaessa ajetaan komento command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 1</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 1</short>
- <long>Un botón de atallo que, cando é accionado, executa o comando de consolaidentificado polo comando1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 1</short>
- <long>צירוף מקשי עכבר להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>1. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command1 parancs futtatására használt billentyűzetkombináció</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 1</short>
- <long>Un'associazione di tasti che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 1 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 1 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するボタン割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 1 실행</short>
- <long>명령 1에 지정된 명령을 실행할 버튼</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 1</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 1</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୧</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 1</short>
- <long>Skr├│t klawiaturowy, kt├│ry spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 1</short>
- <long>Um atalho de teclado que, quando accionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 1</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 1</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 1</short>
- <long>Комбинация клавиш, которая при вызове, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 1</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 1</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>1. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 1</short>
- <long>Комбінація клавіш, при натисненні якої буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令1</short>
- <long>一个按钮绑定,调用时将运行由command1定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 1</short>
- <long>當滑鼠按鍵設定啟用,將會執行第1個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command2_button</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command2_button</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default>Disabled</default>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 2</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 2</short>
- <long>Комбинация от клавиши, която при натискане ще стартира команда на обвивката, идентифицирана от команда12</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 2</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 12 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 2</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός πλήκτρων που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 2</short>
- <long>Combinación de botones que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 2 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command2 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 2</short>
- <long>Näppäinyhdistelmä, jota painettaessa ajetaan komento command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 2</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 2</short>
- <long>Un botón de atallo que, cando é accionado, executa o comando de consolaidentificado polo comando2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 2</short>
- <long>צירוף מקשי עכבר להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>2. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command2 parancs futtatására használt billentyűzetkombináció</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 2</short>
- <long>Un'associazione di tasti che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command12</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 2 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 2 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するボタン割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 2 실행</short>
- <long>명령 2에 지정된 명령을 실행할 버튼</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 2</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 2</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୨</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 2</short>
- <long>Skr├│t klawiaturowy, kt├│ry spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 2</short>
- <long>Um atalho de teclado que, quando accionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 2</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 2</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 2</short>
- <long>Комбинация клавиш, которая при вызове, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 2</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 2</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>2. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 2</short>
- <long>Комбінація клавіш, при натисненні якої буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令2</short>
- <long>一个按钮绑定,调用时将运行由command2定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 2</short>
- <long>當滑鼠按鍵設定啟用,將會執行第2個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command3_button</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command3_button</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default>Disabled</default>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 3</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 3</short>
- <long>Комбинация от клавиши, която при натискане ще стартира команда на обвивката, идентифицирана от команда3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 3</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 3 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 3</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός πλήκτρων που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 3</short>
- <long>Combinación de botones que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 3 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command3 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 3</short>
- <long>Näppäinyhdistelmä, jota painettaessa ajetaan komento command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 3</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 3</short>
- <long>Un botón de atallo que, cando é accionado, executa o comando de consola identificado polo comando3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 3</short>
- <long>צירוף מקשי עכבר להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>3. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command3 parancs futtatására használt billentyűzetkombináció</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 3</short>
- <long>Un'associazione di tasti che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 3 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 3 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するボタン割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 3 실행</short>
- <long>명령 3에 지정된 명령을 실행할 버튼</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 3</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 3</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୩</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 3</short>
- <long>Skr├│t klawiaturowy, kt├│ry spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 3</short>
- <long>Um atalho de teclado que, quando accionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 3</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 3</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 3</short>
- <long>Комбинация клавиш, которая при вызове, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 3</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 3</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>3. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 3</short>
- <long>Комбінація клавіш, при натисненні якої буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令3</short>
- <long>一个按钮绑定,调用时将运行由command3定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 3</short>
- <long>當滑鼠按鍵設定啟用,將會執行第3個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command4_button</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command4_button</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default>Disabled</default>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 4</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 4</short>
- <long>Комбинация от клавиши, която при натискане ще стартира команда на обвивката, идентифицирана от команда4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 4</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 4 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 4</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός πλήκτρων που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 4</short>
- <long>Combinación de botones que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 4 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command4 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 4</short>
- <long>Näppäinyhdistelmä, jota painettaessa ajetaan komento command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 4</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 4</short>
- <long>Un botón de atallo que, cando é accionado, executa o comando de consola identificado polo comando4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 4</short>
- <long>צירוף מקשי עכבר להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>4. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command4 parancs futtatására használt billentyűzetkombináció</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 4</short>
- <long>Un'associazione di tasti che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 4 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 4 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するボタン割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 4 실행</short>
- <long>명령 4에 지정된 명령을 실행할 버튼</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 4</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 4</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୪</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 4</short>
- <long>Skr├│t klawiaturowy, kt├│ry spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 4</short>
- <long>Um atalho de teclado que, quando accionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 4</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 4</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 4</short>
- <long>Комбинация клавиш, которая при вызове, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 4</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 4</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>4. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 4</short>
- <long>Комбінація клавіш, при натисненні якої буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令4</short>
- <long>一个按钮绑定,调用时将运行由command4定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 4</short>
- <long>當滑鼠按鍵設定啟用,將會執行第4個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command5_button</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command5_button</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default>Disabled</default>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 5</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 5</short>
- <long>Комбинация от клавиши, която при натискане ще стартира команда на обвивката, идентифицирана от команда5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 5</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 5 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 5</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός πλήκτρων που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 5</short>
- <long>Combinación de botones que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 5 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command5 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 5</short>
- <long>Näppäinyhdistelmä, jota painettaessa ajetaan komento command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 5</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 5</short>
- <long>Un botón de atallo que, cando é accionado, executa o comando de consola identificado polo comando5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 5</short>
- <long>צירוף מקשי עכבר להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>5. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command5 parancs futtatására használt billentyűzetkombináció</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 5</short>
- <long>Un'associazione di tasti che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 5 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 5 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するボタン割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 5 실행</short>
- <long>명령 5에 지정된 명령을 실행할 버튼</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 5</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 5</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୫</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 5</short>
- <long>Skr├│t klawiaturowy, kt├│ry spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 5</short>
- <long>Um atalho de teclado que, quando accionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 5</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 5</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 5</short>
- <long>Комбинация клавиш, которая при вызове, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 5</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 5</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>5. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 5</short>
- <long>Комбінація клавіш, при натисненні якої буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令5</short>
- <long>一个按钮绑定,调用时将运行由command5定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 5</short>
- <long>當滑鼠按鍵設定啟用,將會執行第5個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command6_button</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command6_button</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default>Disabled</default>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 6</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 6</short>
- <long>Комбинация от клавиши, която при натискане ще стартира команда на обвивката, идентифицирана от команда6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 6</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 6 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 6</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός πλήκτρων που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 6</short>
- <long>Combinación de botones que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 6 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command6 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 6</short>
- <long>Näppäinyhdistelmä, jota painettaessa ajetaan komento command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 6</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 6</short>
- <long>Un botón de atalloque, cando é accionado, executa o comando de consola identificado polo comando6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 6</short>
- <long>צירוף מקשי עכבר להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>6. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command6 parancs futtatására használt billentyűzetkombináció</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 6</short>
- <long>Un'associazione di tasti che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 6 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 6 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するボタン割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 6 실행</short>
- <long>명령 6에 지정된 명령을 실행할 버튼</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 6</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 6</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୬</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 6</short>
- <long>Skr├│t klawiaturowy, kt├│ry spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 6</short>
- <long>Um atalho de teclado que, quando accionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 6</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 6</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 6</short>
- <long>Комбинация клавиш, которая при вызове, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 6</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 6</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>6. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 6</short>
- <long>Комбінація клавіш, при натисненні якої буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令6</short>
- <long>一个按钮绑定,调用时将运行由command6定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 6</short>
- <long>當滑鼠按鍵設定啟用,將會執行第6個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command7_button</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command7_button</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default>Disabled</default>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 7</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 7</short>
- <long>Комбинация от клавиши, която при натискане ще стартира команда на обвивката, идентифицирана от команда7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 7</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 7 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 7</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός πλήκτρων που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 7</short>
- <long>Combinación de botones que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 7 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command7 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 7</short>
- <long>Näppäinyhdistelmä, jota painettaessa ajetaan komento command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 7</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 7</short>
- <long>Un botón de atallo que, cando é accionado, executa o comando de consola identificado polo comando7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 7</short>
- <long>צירוף מקשי עכבר להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>7. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command7 parancs futtatására használt billentyűzetkombináció</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 7</short>
- <long>Un'associazione di tasti che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 7 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 7 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するボタン割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 7 실행</short>
- <long>명령 7에 지정된 명령을 실행할 버튼</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 7</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 7</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୭</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 7</short>
- <long>Skr├│t klawiaturowy, kt├│ry spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 7 </long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 7</short>
- <long>Um atalho de teclado que, quando accionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 7</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 7</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 7</short>
- <long>Комбинация клавиш, которая при вызове, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 7</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 7</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>7. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 7</short>
- <long>Комбінація клавіш, при натисненні якої буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令7</short>
- <long>一个按钮绑定,调用时将运行由command7定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 7</short>
- <long>當滑鼠按鍵設定啟用,將會執行第7個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command8_button</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command8_button</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default>Disabled</default>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 8</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 8</short>
- <long>Комбинация от клавиши, която при натискане ще стартира команда на обвивката, идентифицирана от команда8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 8</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 8 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 8</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός πλήκτρων που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 8</short>
- <long>Combinación de botones que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 8 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command8 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 8</short>
- <long>Näppäinyhdistelmä, jota painettaessa ajetaan komento command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 8</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 8</short>
- <long>Un botón de atallo que, cando é accionado, executa o comando de consola identificado polo comando8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 8</short>
- <long>צירוף מקשי עכבר להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>8. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command8 parancs futtatására használt billentyűzetkombináció</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 8</short>
- <long>Un'associazione di tasti che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 8 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 8 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するボタン割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 8 실행</short>
- <long>명령 8에 지정된 명령을 실행할 버튼</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 8</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 8</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୮</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 8</short>
- <long>Skr├│t klawiaturowy, kt├│ry spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 8</short>
- <long>Um atalho de teclado que, quando accionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 8</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 8</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 8</short>
- <long>Комбинация клавиш, которая при вызове, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 8</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 8</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>8. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 8</short>
- <long>Комбінація клавіш, при натисненні якої буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令8</short>
- <long>一个按钮绑定,调用时将运行由command8定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 8</short>
- <long>當滑鼠按鍵設定啟用,將會執行第8個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command9_button</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command9_button</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default>Disabled</default>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 9</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 9</short>
- <long>Комбинация от клавиши, която при натискане ще стартира команда на обвивката, идентифицирана от команда9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 9</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 9 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 9</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός πλήκτρων που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 9</short>
- <long>Combinación de botones que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 9 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command9 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 9</short>
- <long>Näppäinyhdistelmä, jota painettaessa ajetaan komento command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 9</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 9</short>
- <long>Un botón de atallo que, cando é accionado, executa o comando de consola identificado polo comando9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 9</short>
- <long>צירוף מקשי עכבר להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>9. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command9 parancs futtatására használt billentyűzetkombináció</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 9</short>
- <long>Un'associazione di tasti che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 9 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 9 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するボタン割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 9 실행</short>
- <long>명령 9에 지정된 명령을 실행할 버튼</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 9</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 9</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୯</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 9</short>
- <long>Skr├│t klawiaturowy, kt├│ry spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 9</short>
- <long>Um atalho de teclado que, quando accionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 9</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 9</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 9</short>
- <long>Комбинация клавиш, которая при вызове, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 9</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 9</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>9. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 9</short>
- <long>Комбінація клавіш, при натисненні якої буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令9</short>
- <long>一个按钮绑定,调用时将运行由command9定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 9</short>
- <long>當滑鼠按鍵設定啟用,將會執行第9個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command10_button</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command10_button</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default>Disabled</default>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 10</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 10</short>
- <long>Комбинация от клавиши, която при натискане ще стартира команда на обвивката, идентифицирана от команда10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 10</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 10 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 10</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός πλήκτρων που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 10</short>
- <long>Combinación de botones que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 10 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command10 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 10</short>
- <long>Näppäinyhdistelmä, jota painettaessa ajetaan komento command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 10</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 10</short>
- <long>Un botón de atallo que, cando é accionado, executa o comando de consolaidentificado polo comando10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 10</short>
- <long>צירוף מקשי עכבר להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>10. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command10 parancs futtatására használt billentyűzetkombináció</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 10</short>
- <long>Un'associazione di tasti che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 10 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 10 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するボタン割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 10 실행</short>
- <long>명령 10에 지정된 명령을 실행할 버튼</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 10</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 10</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୧୦</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 10</short>
- <long>Skr├│t klawiaturowy, kt├│ry spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 10</short>
- <long>Um atalho de teclado que, quando accionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 10</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 10</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 10</short>
- <long>Комбинация клавиш, которая при вызове, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 10</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 10</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>10. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 10</short>
- <long>Комбінація клавіш, при натисненні якої буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令10</short>
- <long>一个按钮绑定,调用时将运行由command10定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 10</short>
- <long>當滑鼠按鍵設定啟用,將會執行第10個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command11_button</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command11_button</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default>Disabled</default>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 11</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 11</short>
- <long>Комбинация от клавиши, която при натискане ще стартира команда на обвивката, идентифицирана от команда11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 11</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 11 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 11</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός πλήκτρων που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 11</short>
- <long>Combinación de botones que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 11 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command11 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 11</short>
- <long>Näppäinyhdistelmä, jota painettaessa ajetaan komento command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 11</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 11</short>
- <long>Un botón de atallo que, cando é accionado, executa o comando de consolaidentificado polo comando11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 11</short>
- <long>צירוף מקשי עכבר להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>11. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command11 parancs futtatására használt billentyűzetkombináció</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 11</short>
- <long>Un'associazione di tasti che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 11 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 11 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するボタン割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 11 실행</short>
- <long>명령 11에 지정된 명령을 실행할 버튼</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 11</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 11</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୧୧</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 11</short>
- <long>Skr├│t klawiaturowy, kt├│ry spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 11</short>
- <long>Um atalho de teclado que, quando accionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 11</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 11</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 11</short>
- <long>Комбинация клавиш, которая при вызове, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 11</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 11</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>11. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>A button binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 11</short>
- <long>Комбінація клавіш, при натисненні якої буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令11</short>
- <long>一个按钮绑定,调用时将运行由command11定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 11</short>
- <long>當滑鼠按鍵設定啟用,將會執行第11個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command0_edge</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command0_edge</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default/>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 0</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command0</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command1_edge</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command1_edge</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default/>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 1</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 1</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 1</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 1 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 1</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός άκρης οθόνης που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 1</short>
- <long>Asociación de bordes que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 1 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command1 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 1</short>
- <long>Reuna, johon siirryttäessä ajetaan komento command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 1</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 1</short>
- <long>Un atallo de borde que cando é invocado, executa o comando de consola identificado polo comando1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 1</short>
- <long>קצה מסך להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>1. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command1 parancs futtatására használt szegély</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 1</short>
- <long>Un'associazione a un bordo che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 1 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 1 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するエッジ割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 1 실행</short>
- <long>명령 1에 지정된 명령을 실행할 모서리</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 1</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 1</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୧</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 1</short>
- <long>Kraw─Öd┼║ ekranu, kt├│ra spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 1</short>
- <long>Um atalho de margem de ecrã que, quando accionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 1</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 1</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 1</short>
- <long>Закрепление за гранью экрана, которое при наведении, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 1</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 1</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>1. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 1</short>
- <long>Закріплення за межею екрану, що при наведенні, буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command1</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令1</short>
- <long>一个边缘绑定,调用时将运行由command1定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 1</short>
- <long>當螢幕外緣啟動(edge)有設定,將會執行第1個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command2_edge</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command2_edge</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default/>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 2</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 2</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 2</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 12 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 2</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός άκρης οθόνης που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 2</short>
- <long>Asociación de bordes que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 2 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command2 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 2</short>
- <long>Reuna, johon siirryttäessä ajetaan komento command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 2</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 2</short>
- <long>Un atallo de borde que cando é invocado, executa o comando de consola identificado polo comando2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 2</short>
- <long>קצה מסך להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>2. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command2 parancs futtatására használt szegély</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 2</short>
- <long>Un'associazione a un bordo che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 2 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 2 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するエッジ割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 2 실행</short>
- <long>명령 2에 지정된 명령을 실행할 모서리</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 2</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 2</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୨</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 2</short>
- <long>Kraw─Öd┼║ ekranu, kt├│ra spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 2</short>
- <long>Um atalho de margem de ecrã que, quando accionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 2</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 2</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 2</short>
- <long>Закрепление за гранью экрана, которое при наведении, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 2</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 2</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>2. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 2</short>
- <long>Закріплення за межею екрану, що при наведенні, буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command2</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令2</short>
- <long>一个边缘绑定,调用时将运行由command2定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 2</short>
- <long>當螢幕外緣啟動(edge)有設定,將會執行第2個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command3_edge</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command3_edge</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default/>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 3</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 3</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 3</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 3 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 3</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός άκρης οθόνης που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 3</short>
- <long>Asociación de bordes que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 3 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command3 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 3</short>
- <long>Reuna, johon siirryttäessä ajetaan komento command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 3</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 3</short>
- <long>Un atallo de borde que cando é invocado, executa o comando de consola identificado polo comando3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 3</short>
- <long>קצה מסך להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>3. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command3 parancs futtatására használt szegély</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 3</short>
- <long>Un'associazione a un bordo che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 3 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 3 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するエッジ割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 3 실행</short>
- <long>명령 3에 지정된 명령을 실행할 모서리</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 3</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 3</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୩</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 3</short>
- <long>Kraw─Öd┼║ ekranu, kt├│ra spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 3</short>
- <long>Um atalho de margem de ecrã que, quando accionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 3</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 3</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 3</short>
- <long>Закрепление за гранью экрана, которое при наведении, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 3</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 3</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>3. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 3</short>
- <long>Закріплення за межею екрану, що при наведенні, буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command3</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令3</short>
- <long>一个边缘绑定,调用时将运行由command3定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 3</short>
- <long>當螢幕外緣啟動(edge)有設定,將會執行第3個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command4_edge</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command4_edge</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default/>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 4</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 4</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 4</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 4 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 4</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός άκρης οθόνης που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 4</short>
- <long>Asociación de bordes que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 4 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command4 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 4</short>
- <long>Reuna, johon siirryttäessä ajetaan komento command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 4</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 4</short>
- <long>Un atallo de borde que cando é invocado, executa o comando de consola identificado polo comando4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 4</short>
- <long>קצה מסך להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>4. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command4 parancs futtatására használt szegély</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 4</short>
- <long>Un'associazione a un bordo che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 4 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 4 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するエッジ割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 4 실행</short>
- <long>명령 4에 지정된 명령을 실행할 모서리</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 4</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 4</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୪</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 4</short>
- <long>Kraw─Öd┼║ ekranu, kt├│ra spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 4</short>
- <long>Um atalho de margem de ecrã que, quando accionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 4</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 4</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 4</short>
- <long>Закрепление за гранью экрана, которое при наведении, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 4</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 4</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>4. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 4</short>
- <long>Закріплення за межею екрану, що при наведенні, буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command4</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令4</short>
- <long>一个边缘绑定,调用时将运行由command4定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 4</short>
- <long>當螢幕外緣啟動(edge)有設定,將會執行第4個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command5_edge</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command5_edge</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default/>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 5</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 5</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 5</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 5 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 5</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός άκρης οθόνης που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 5</short>
- <long>Asociación de bordes que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 5 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command5 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 5</short>
- <long>Reuna, johon siirryttäessä ajetaan komento command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 5</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 5</short>
- <long>Un atallo de borde que cando é invocado, executa o comando de consola identificado polo comando5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 5</short>
- <long>קצה מסך להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>5. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command5 parancs futtatására használt szegély</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 5</short>
- <long>Un'associazione a un bordo che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 5 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 5 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するエッジ割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 5 실행</short>
- <long>명령 5에 지정된 명령을 실행할 모서리</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 5</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 5</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୫</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 5</short>
- <long>Kraw─Öd┼║ ekranu, kt├│ra spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 5</short>
- <long>Um atalho de margem de ecrã que, quando accionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 5</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 5</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 5</short>
- <long>Закрепление за гранью экрана, которое при наведении, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 5</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 5</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>5. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 5</short>
- <long>Закріплення за межею екрану, що при наведенні, буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command5</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令5</short>
- <long>一个边缘绑定,调用时将运行由command5定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 5</short>
- <long>當螢幕外緣啟動(edge)有設定,將會執行第5個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command6_edge</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command6_edge</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default/>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 6</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 6</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 6</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 6 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 6</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός άκρης οθόνης που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 6</short>
- <long>Asociación de bordes que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 6 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command6 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 6</short>
- <long>Reuna, johon siirryttäessä ajetaan komento command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 6</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 6</short>
- <long>Un atallo de borde que cando é invocado, executa o comando de consola identificado polo comando6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 6</short>
- <long>קצה מסך להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>6. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command6 parancs futtatására használt szegély</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 6</short>
- <long>Un'associazione a un bordo che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 6 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 6 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するエッジ割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 6 실행</short>
- <long>명령 6에 지정된 명령을 실행할 모서리</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 6</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 6</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୬</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 6</short>
- <long>Kraw─Öd┼║ ekranu, kt├│ra spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 6</short>
- <long>Um atalho de margem de ecrã que, quando accionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 6</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 6</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 6</short>
- <long>Закрепление за гранью экрана, которое при наведении, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 6</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 6</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>6. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 6</short>
- <long>Закріплення за межею екрану, що при наведенні, буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command6</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令6</short>
- <long>一个边缘绑定,调用时将运行由command6定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 6</short>
- <long>當螢幕外緣啟動(edge)有設定,將會執行第6個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command7_edge</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command7_edge</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default/>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 7</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 7</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 7</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 7 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 7</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός άκρης οθόνης που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 7</short>
- <long>Asociación de bordes que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 7 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command7 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 7</short>
- <long>Reuna, johon siirryttäessä ajetaan komento command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 7</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 7</short>
- <long>Un atallo de borde que cando é invocado, executa o comando de consola identificado polo comando7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 7</short>
- <long>קצה מסך להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>7. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command7 parancs futtatására használt szegély</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 7</short>
- <long>Un'associazione a un bordo che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 7 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 7 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するエッジ割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 7 실행</short>
- <long>명령 7에 지정된 명령을 실행할 모서리</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 7</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 7</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୭</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 7</short>
- <long>Kraw─Öd┼║ ekranu, kt├│ra spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 7</short>
- <long>Um atalho de margem de ecrã que, quando accionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 7</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 7</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 7</short>
- <long>Закрепление за гранью экрана, которое при наведении, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 7</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 7</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>7. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 7</short>
- <long>Закріплення за межею екрану, що при наведенні, буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command7</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令7</short>
- <long>一个边缘绑定,调用时将运行由command7定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 7</short>
- <long>當螢幕外緣啟動(edge)有設定,將會執行第7個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command8_edge</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command8_edge</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default/>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 8</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 8</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 8</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 8 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 8</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός άκρης οθόνης που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 8</short>
- <long>Asociación de bordes que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 8 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command8 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 8</short>
- <long>Reuna, johon siirryttäessä ajetaan komento command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 8</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 8</short>
- <long>Un atallo de borde que cando é invocado, executa o comando de consola identificado polo comando8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 8</short>
- <long>קצה מסך להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>8. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command8 parancs futtatására használt szegély</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 8</short>
- <long>Un'associazione a un bordo che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 8 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 8 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するエッジ割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 8 실행</short>
- <long>명령 8에 지정된 명령을 실행할 모서리</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 8</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 8</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୮</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 8</short>
- <long>Kraw─Öd┼║ ekranu, kt├│ra spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 8</short>
- <long>Um atalho de margem de ecrã que, quando accionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 8</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 8</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 8</short>
- <long>Закрепление за гранью экрана, которое при наведении, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 8</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 8</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>8. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 8</short>
- <long>Закріплення за межею екрану, що при наведенні, буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command8</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令8</short>
- <long>一个边缘绑定,调用时将运行由command8定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 8</short>
- <long>當螢幕外緣啟動(edge)有設定,將會執行第8個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command9_edge</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command9_edge</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default/>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 9</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 9</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 9</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 9 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 9</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός άκρης οθόνης που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 9</short>
- <long>Asociación de bordes que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 9 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command9 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 9</short>
- <long>Reuna, johon siirryttäessä ajetaan komento command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 9</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 9</short>
- <long>Un atallo de borde que cando é invocado, executa o comando de consola identificado polo comando9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 9</short>
- <long>קצה מסך להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>9. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command9 parancs futtatására használt szegély</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 9</short>
- <long>Un'associazione a un bordo che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 9 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 9 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するエッジ割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 9 실행</short>
- <long>명령 9에 지정된 명령을 실행할 모서리</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 9</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 9</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୯</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 9</short>
- <long>Kraw─Öd┼║ ekranu, kt├│ra spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 9</short>
- <long>Um atalho de margem de ecrã que, quando accionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 9</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 9</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 9</short>
- <long>Закрепление за гранью экрана, которое при наведении, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 9</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 9</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>9. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 9</short>
- <long>Закріплення за межею екрану, що при наведенні, буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command9</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令9</short>
- <long>一个边缘绑定,调用时将运行由command9定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 9</short>
- <long>當螢幕外緣啟動(edge)有設定,將會執行第9個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command10_edge</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command10_edge</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default/>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 10</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 10</short>
- <long>Комбинация от клавиши, която при натискане ще стартира команда на обвивката, идентифицирана от команда10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 10</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 10 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 10</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός άκρης οθόνης που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 10</short>
- <long>Asociación de bordes que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 10 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command10 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 10</short>
- <long>Reuna, johon siirryttäessä ajetaan komento command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 10</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 10</short>
- <long>Un atallo de borde que cando é invocado, executa o comando de consola identificado polo comando10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 10</short>
- <long>קצה מסך להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>10. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command10 parancs futtatására használt szegély</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 10</short>
- <long>Un'associazione a un bordo che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 10 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 10 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するエッジ割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 10 실행</short>
- <long>명령 10에 지정된 명령을 실행할 모서리</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 10</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 10</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୧୦</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 10</short>
- <long>Kraw─Öd┼║ ekranu, kt├│ra spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 10</short>
- <long>Um atalho de margem de ecrã que, quando accionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 10</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 10</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 10</short>
- <long>Закрепление за гранью экрана, которое при наведении, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 10</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 10</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>10. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 10</short>
- <long>Закріплення за межею екрану, що при наведенні, буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command10</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令10</short>
- <long>一个边缘绑定,调用时将运行由command10定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 10</short>
- <long>當螢幕外緣啟動(edge)有設定,將會執行第10個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command11_edge</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/commands/allscreens/options/run_command11_edge</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default/>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Run command 11</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Изпълни команда 11</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit příkaz 11</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Befehl 11 ausf├╝hren</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Τρέξιμο εντολής 11</short>
- <long>Ένας συνδυασμός άκρης οθόνης που όταν επικαλεσθεί, θα τρέξει την εντολή κέλυφους αναγνωρισμένη ως εντολή11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Ejecutar comando 11</short>
- <long>Asociación de bordes que al utilizarse ejecutará el comando de shell identificado como el comando11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Exekutatu 11 komandoa</short>
- <long>Shell command11 komandoa exekutatuko duen laster-tekla</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita komento 11</short>
- <long>Reuna, johon siirryttäessä ajetaan komento command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Exécuter la commande 11</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Executar comando 11</short>
- <long>Un atallo de borde que cando é invocado, executa o comando de consola identificado polo comando11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>הרץ פקודה 11</short>
- <long>קצה מסך להפעלת פקודת המעטפת המוגדרת על ידי פקודה11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>11. parancs futtatása</short>
- <long>A command11 parancs futtatására használt szegély</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Esegui comando 11</short>
- <long>Un'associazione a un bordo che, quando invocata, esegue il comando della shell identificato da command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>コマンド 11 を実行</short>
- <long>呼び出し時に コマンドライン 11 で指定されたシェルコマンドを実行するエッジ割り当て</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>명령 11 실행</short>
- <long>명령 11에 지정된 명령을 실행할 모서리</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r kommando 11</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start commando 11</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ଚଳାଅ ଆଦେଶ ୧୧</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Wykonaj polecenie 11</short>
- <long>Kraw─Öd┼║ ekranu, kt├│ra spowoduje uruchomienie polecenia 11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Executar comando 11</short>
- <long>Um atalho de margem de ecrã que, quando accionado, executa o comando shell identificado pelo comando11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Executar comando 11</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Execut─â comanda 11</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Выполнить команду 11</short>
- <long>Закрепление за гранью экрана, которое при наведении, выполнит команду оболочки, идентифицируемую как команда11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť príkaz 11</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r kommando 11</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>11. komutu çalıştır</short>
- <long>An edge binding that when invoked, will run the shell command identified by command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Виконати команду 11</short>
- <long>Закріплення за межею екрану, що при наведенні, буде виконана команда оболонки, визначена як command11</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>运行命令11</short>
- <long>一个边缘绑定,调用时将运行由command11定义的shell命令</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>執行指令 11</short>
- <long>當螢幕外緣啟動(edge)有設定,將會執行第11個shell指令。</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- </schemalist>
- </gconfschemafile>